Erbium Yag Fractional Skin Resurfacing

Erbium Yag Fractional Skin Resurfacing

The Erbium laser treatment is designed to resurface and remodel the top layers of the skin. This highly effective laser will reduce wrinkles, age spots, scars, pores while leaving you with a refreshed glow. This treatment can range in downtime and a consultation is required.

Fractional lasers are an ideal method for evening skin tone and texture, reducing pigmentation irregularities, and improving fine to moderate lines and wrinkles.

Fractional laser treatments work by removing columns of skin, while leaving behind areas of intact skin. The tiny areas treated by the laser stimulate a healing response, activating collagen production and bringing growth factors to the skin. The untreated areas of the skin allow for a faster healing time. Generally, the fractional lasers treat about 20% of the surface of the skin with these micro-columns. This can lead to a significant improvement in both superficial and deep lines and acne scars and generally leads to a brighter, clearer complexion.

Fractional Erbium Lasers are an excellent alternative to the more aggressive CO2 laser treatments.

Pre - Care

  • Clients should come to their treatment with a clean face and no make‐up on.
  • AVOID extended sun exposure or tanning for 1 week pre & post treatment. Clients who are darkly tanned or sunburned should wait at least 2 weeks before being treated in order to avoid additional skin damage.
  • AVOID all alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxy products (AHA/BHA), hydroquinone’s, retinols/retinoids, aspirin, Tazorac, Differin, and Vitamin E products for 3 days before your treatment.
  • AVOID Accutane (or isotretinoin products) for 6 months prior.

Post - Care

Immediately post treatment:

  • Take Tylenol for discomfort.
  • Apply cool moist compresses as needed for comfort.

AVOID ice directly on the skin.

AVOID direct sunlight.

AVOID strenuous exercise, bending, straining or lifting heavy objects for 3 days following the procedure.

For the first 24 hours, apply ointment to keep skin coated and prevent drying.  Use clean bedding throughout the healing process. Sleep with the head of your bed elevated to reduce swelling.

Day 1-10

  • The appearance of the skin will be a darker tan color similar to sunburn.
  • Once the peeling process is complete, the treated area is all a pink color and no longer raw.
  • Wash the treated area with a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water. Examples of a gentle cleanser include our Antioxidant Cleanser or Cetaphil.
  • Reapply restorative ointment given to you at treatment. The goal is to keep the treated areas moist and prevent crusting.

AVOID do not use regular soap or normal facial wash until 10 days after your procedure.

PRO-NOX™ is patient-controlled inhaled analgesia for in-office use and takes effect in seconds, offering immediate relief of pain and anxiety

PRO-NOX is a self-administered (under the supervision of medically trained staff), quick onset, fixed 50% nitrous and 50% oxygen pain management system with short duration of effect. It is generally metabolized and “out of your system” (you are back to normal) within minutes of discontinuing, and therefore you are able to regain complete mental and physical function quickly and drive home.

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