
Natural Defense

Natural Defense IV Therapy

Don’t start worrying about your health when early signs of aging or sickness occur. Start doing something now while you can still be active.

This vitamin infusion boosts the immune system big time.

This way you can avoid expensive doctor visits and exams while living a longer, more fulfilling life. Nutrient IV drips help you avoid getting sick, while motivating you to travel more, participate in sports, or even pick up a new hobby like yoga or Zumba.

Most people don’t realize the impact excellent nutrition can have on our overall mood and productivity. That’s partly because many people don’t eat enough fruits and veggies or drink the recommended amount of water in the first place.

In a world where eating out, drinking multiple cups of coffee, and relying on prescription medicine is the norm, no wonder it’s hard to find energy to do something fulfilling.

Immediate Benefits

  • Avoid getting sick by fueling your immune system with high-impact nutrients to keep you resilient.
  • Obtain powerful antioxidants to fight against airborne illnesses floating around work or home.
  • Maintain a healthy nervous system and improve the cardiovascular function of the body.
  • Improve your body’s ability to withstand stress, intense levels of work or travel.


A She-Shot is a non-surgical way to increase sexual arousal and rejuvenate the vagina. In fact, She-Shot is short for orgasm shot.
The She-Shot treatment uses PRP, platelet rich plasma, made by isolating ones plasma and concentrating it. Treatments with PRP aren’t new—they’ve been used to treat conditions including injuries and hair loss. For She-Shots, the activated platelets are injected into the vaginal and clitoral area to stimulate new cell growth.

Patients report:

  • Increased sexual desire
  • Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
  • Changes in orgasm including stronger or more frequent ones, and an increased ability to have one
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Natural Defense

Boost your wellness with Natural Defense in Bend, OR at W Aesthetics and Wellness. Enhance your immune system with our expert treatments. Book today.

Product Brand: W Aesthetics and Wellness

Editor's Rating:

Brittany Perez

Patient Care Coordinator

With a strong background in customer service and a genuine passion for helping people achieve their best skin, Brittany brings warmth and expertise to every patient interaction. As a Certified Advanced Esthetician and former esthetic business owner, she has a wealth of knowledge and a keen eye for skincare solutions. 

In her free time, she loves hanging out with her daughter and her husband and exploring new restaurants around Bend, Oregon. 

Katie Gifford

Patient Care Coordinator

With her extensive background in customer service and a genuine passion for helping people, Katie is here to make every step of your journey with us seamless and enjoyable. You’ll see her shining face at the front desk, ready to assist with scheduling and ensuring your aesthetic goals come to life!

When she’s not busy making magic happen at W Aesthetics & Wellness, Katie loves spending time with her dog and boyfriend.

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